Endless Energy • Renewable Resource • Climate Independant
Vast heat
Vast Fluid
vast production
Higher temperature resources, generate more electricity per unit of fluid extracted, improving the overall efficiency and economic return of the Geothermal System.
comprehending size
More of Earth’s water is held underground in the soil or in pores in rock, than in Earth’s ice caps and glaciers.
extended plant lifespan
Our Hydrothermal resources regenerate through natural processes. By understanding and managing these dynamics, TLS sustains the productivity of our geothermal reservoirs in perpetuity, enhancing the economic viability of our investments
half-life of radioactive isotopes
The heat in the Earth’s interior is largely generated by the decay of radioactive isotopes such as uranium-238, uranium-235, thorium-232, and potassium-40 that will continue to decay for millions of years.