For 6 years, TLS Geothermics has been acquiring a body of knowledge in geology, geochemistry and geophysics in the Pontgibaud Fault area in the Massif Central, and since 2020 in the framework of the GERESFAULT (ANR) project.
The goal of this work is to demonstrate the relevance of exploration in crustal fault zones for the development of deep geothermal energy projects.
TLS Geothermics contributes to the development of a 3D static digital geological model constrained by field acquisitions.
This project involves 9 partners, including 3 industrialists, 26 scientists, 9 students and a post-doctoral student in partnership between TLS Geothermics, BRGM and ISTO.
#exploration #geothermie #renewableenergy #ISTO #TLSgeothermics #geothermalenergy