Using Python (not the snake)
🐍Using #Python (not the snake!) to understand and model geothermal systems is a key strategy and one of TLS GEOTHERMICS great strengths!
Its name pays homage to the humorous culture of Monty Python. It is a versatile programming language renowned for its simplicity. Extremely popular in the scientific community, it is used to develop increasingly sophisticated applications in many scientific fields, including geosciences.
💻TLS Geothermics has always worked closely with the scientific community, and has always been keen to develop its own tools to match its unique approach to the exploration and modeling of geothermal systems. So it was natural that Python should be the development language for TLS Geothermics technologies for over 10 years, with all our engineers trained in its use.
From simple tasks such as geological data processing and statistical analysis to more complex applications such as #3Dmodeling and #deeplearning, most in-house TLS Geothermics technologies incorporate Python algorithms, and rely on the most powerful existing code bricks among the scientific community. This enables seamless integration between different tools and adapted solutions for geoscientists.
🚀Our team is actively developing new Python-based technology that enable us to better identify and assess the vast potential of hidden hydrothermal resources!